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Hospiflow page
Select the Hospiflow uroflowmeter you are currently using and assign the flows to the patient.

Patient page
From the Hospiflow page you can click through to the patient’s page. On that page you can consult all the parameters of the last flow and compare with previous measurements. On this page you will also find all the Homeflow assessments that were done by that patient.

Patient management
Easily manage and find your patients. Just search for name or birth date and go to the profile.

Homeflow management
On the Homeflow page, you can follow up your patients and see whose assessments are still pending, who started already and which ones are completed. Click through and consult the voiding diary or home uroflowmetry results.

Homeflow results – voiding diary
When a patient has completed a voiding diary assessment, you can consult the full voiding diary. All the calculations that would normally be done manually, are now displayed automatically and visualized in a nice overview.

In the voiding diary, you do not only see the measured volumes, but this also includes uroflow measurements of your patient. You can consult volume and qmax range or compare flows.