At Minze we continuously work on optimising our products. We love listening to our users and incorporating their feedback in our product updates. Below you will find a list of updates and new features. Click on the topics or scroll down to learn more and let us know what you think! Questions? Get in touch!

  1. Hospiflow
    1. Portal: pre-assign flows
    2. Portal: name-giving pdf export
    3. App: update hospiflow app
  2. Homeflow
    1. Portal: overview of homeflow assessments
    2. App: new menu buttons for easier navigation
    3. App: clear error messages to assist the patient
    4. App: tutorial videos in app
  3. General updates


With currently more than 200 clinicians using Hospiflow, we received some very valuable feedback. In this update we have focused on adding functionalities that will improve the practice workflow of our users.

Portal: pre-assign flows

Until now, it was only possible to assign a uroflow measurement to the patient after the measurement was finished. With this new feature you will be able to assign a flow before the measurement has been uploaded. How does it work?

First, enable the ‘Pre-assign’ function in the Settings page.

Then, go to the Hospiflow page and select the uroflowmeter (cup) that will be used, pre-assign the flow and wait until the measurement is finished. As soon as uploaded, it will automatically be linked to that patient.

Portal: name-giving pdf exports

With (automated) storage in electronic medical records in mind, it is now possible to adapt the default name-giving of the pdf-exports on organization level. This can be found on the ‘Settings‘ page, where you will be able to use the drag and drop function to add, remove or reorder the components of the name.

App: update hospiflow app

Users of the Hospiflow app will be prompted automatically to update their apps. This will be necessary to keep on using Minze Hospiflow.


Until today, Homeflow has been available in pilots only. This has allowed us to interact with clinicians and patients, in order to further optimise the user experience and usability of the system. As of now, Homeflow will also be made available to anyone who is interested.

In Belgium, we are doing this in collaboration with a homecare organisation. For other countries, please get in touch for more info.

Portal: overview of homeflow assessments

We have added the possibility in the portal to have an overview of your patients using homeflow. In the menu bar on the top of your screen you will see a new ‘Homeflow‘ tab. Here you can see the name of the patient, the type of assessment, start date and status of completion.

At the bottom of your screen in the Homeflow app, you will see a menu bar with buttons that will open the voiding diary questions (+), will lead you to FAQ (help), a button to make the uroflowmeter beep (sound icon) and one to open the hamburger menu.

App: clear error messages to assist the patient

Clear messages in the app will make it easier for the patient to interact with the uroflowmeter and to complete their uroflowmetry or voiding diary assessment.

App: tutorial videos in app

In order to assist the patient better to execute the measurements correctly, we have now added an FAQ section. This can be found when pressing on ‘help‘ in the bottom menu.

General updates

Next to the visual updates mentioned above, plenty of improvements have taken place behind the screens. Improved login procedures, increased reliability of bluetooth connection, use of the app when out of internet connection and improved data security are just a couple of those updates that don’t appear on your screen, but are equally important for you and your patients!

Questions or suggestions for improvements? Get in touch!

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