The CaMiCon study in OAB patients has revealed that 84% prefer the use of an automated bladder diary solution, compared to the traditional pen-and-paper method. 42% of participants has not registered urgency or leakage episodes in the paper bladder diary, compared to only 3% with the automated solution.
The CaMiCon study demonstrated that the Minze Diary Pod® is a reliable and innovative tool for bladder diaries. It simplifies data collection for the majority of patients (83%) and, by enhancing patient compliance, could yield higher-quality data, facilitating interpretation by the physician. These factors promote the adoption of the connected voiding diary as a diagnostic tool. Additionally 84% prefer the use of an automated bladder diary solution, compared to the traditional pen-and-paper method and it can be employed for assessing treatment effectiveness in both daily clinical practice and research.
In this post, we have summarised the key takeaways of the CaMiCon webinar. (Recording of the webinar at the bottom of this page.)
Link to study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2950393024000378
CaMiCon Study details
The study was conducted at the European Hospital Georges Pompidou in Paris by Dr. Hurel, Dr. Aleméda and the team of Prof. Dr. Mejean from April 2022 to January 2023.
Starting point: bladder diaries are crucial in the diagnosis and follow-up of treatment of patients with an Overactive Bladder (OAB). However, the majority of bladder diaries are not filled out correctly.
Goal: evaluate the completeness and patient acceptance of an automated bladder diary solution (Minze Diary Pod) and compare it to the current paper-based method.
Study Design:
- Single centre, prospective, randomized clinical study
- 41 patients (average age 51,5 years – 82,2% female/11,8% male)
- Idiopathic Overactive Bladder
- Each patient was requested to complete, in random order, both a paper bladder diary and an automated bladder diary, as well as a satisfaction questionnaire
Tools used
The study has evaluated the Minze Diary Pod, consisting of:
- Minze Diary Pod: a portable, Bluetooth connected measuring cup, ergonomically designed for effortless and precise time and volume measurements.
- Minze Flow app: the iOS or Android app guides the patient through the process of keeping a bladder diary, including registration of leakage episodes, urgency and liquid intake.
- Clinician Portal: the collected data are automatically processed and visualized in a clear dashboard for the clinician.

Results CaMiCon Study
Data collection
- 42% (13/34) of the paper diaries had no documentation on urinary leakage or urgency, compared to only 1 automated bladder diary (3%) without documentation on urgency.
- The study found a significant difference in the average urinated volume per 24 hours (p = 0.046) and no significant difference in the daytime and night time frequencies.
- If a paper diary was filled in correctly, no significant difference was found between the two methods regarding urinary leakage (p=0.180) or urinary urgency (p=0.564).
Patient experience
Almost all of the patients in this study are satisfied or very satisfied with the Diary Pod.
84% of the patients preferred the Diary Pod over traditional pen and paper methods.

- The Minze Diary Pod is a helpful tool to facilitate a bladder diary and to assist a patient with data collection
- Reusable and single patient use device, can be used for multiple diaries
- The Minze Diary Pod should be considered as a tool to collect better quality data throughout the diagnostic and treatment pathway
- The Minze Diary enhances patient compliance
- Suitable for reseach & daily clinical practice
- 84% of patients prefer diary pod over handwritten diaries.
- Improved data Interpretation for physician
- Cost can be a hurdle for some patients, and it could be recommended in specific situations requiring precise data.
Experience in daily practice: Q&A with Dr. Hurel:
The webinar was concluded with a Q&A with Dr. Hurel, who has shared her experiences with the Diary Pod in her day-to-day practice:
- Particularly interesting for patients with Overactive Bladder (high frequency) or Nocturia symptoms (easier to record nighttime voids).
- Other studies have shown that 50% of patients do not fill out a bladder diary correctly, not even when paid to do so. This puts a serious strain on a proper diagnosis and treatment follow-up. There’s a clear need for a better solution in the daily practice.
- Data from the Diary Pod are comparable or better than paper-based bladder diaries, making it a very helpful tool for clinical research.
- Feedback from patients (81% female!) on the ergonomics was very good. This is a major improvement compared to a kitchen measuring cup as commonly used today.
- Certain patients have even refused to keep a paper bladder diary, after having used the Diary Pod.
- Tip: even though the app is self-explanatory, it was proven beneficial to involve practice staff in the process, in order to make sure that the patient starts off well. This will increase the likelihood of collecting the best possible bladder diary data.
Watch the full webinar (FR)
Discover the insights from the latest CaMiCon study in this webinar. (FR language)
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Got questions or want to see how Minze Diary Pod works for you? Book a live demo on our site, and we’ll answer all your questions in a 30-minute call.