Lola BLADT 1, Stefan DE WACHTER 2, Alexandra VERMANDEL 2 and Gunter DE WIN 2
1) Minze Health, Antwerp, BELGIUM – 2) Antwerp University Hospital, Department of Urology, Edegem, BELGIUM
Uroflowmetry is a simple and noninvasive test to evaluate lower urinary tract function. Since it requires voiding on command, the available data on pediatric uroflows –and especially toddlers- are scarce and varied. In addition, such tests can be affected by the unnatural hospital/study environment and by the lack of a proper posture on the big, currently available uroflowmeter seats. In this study, the feasibility of a novel uroflowmeter potty is assessed to obtain uroflows from toddlers.

Uroflowmetry studies with the novel potty were performed on 10 healthy toddlers (mean age 3 years, range 2-4 years, male:7 female:3) following their normal potty training routine. Voided volume, maximum flowrate (Qmax) and uroflowcurve shape were analysed. Additionally, different potty designs were evaluated on their ergonomics.

20 uroflows were successfully recorded with a mean voided volume of 50.4 ml (SD 28.8 ml; range 10-147 ml) and a mean Qmax of 7.8 ml/s (SD 3.0 ml/s; range 4-14 ml/s). Analysis of the curve shape showed 50% bell-shaped, 30% interrupted and 20% plateau curves.
The design of the potty was optimized to enable a proper voiding posture – flat feet on the floor and horizontal pelvis position. An oval-shaped potty design (30×25 cm) with a 18 cm height was found most ergonomic and comfortable.

The uroflowmeter design possibly influences representativeness of a child’s void. The designed uroflowmeter potty is considered a comfortable and valuable tool to obtain uroflows in toddlers, enabling more research in pediatric uroflowmetry.

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