Explore your prostate and bladder health from home, on your own or as advised by your doctor. With Minze Homeflow, complete a detailed report (IPSS + uroflow) before visits, enabling richer discussions and remote monitoring as you effortlessly share data with your clinician. Embrace Homeflow for a proactive, informed step towards better urological health.
Multiple data points, more representative uroflow measurements
The app guides effortless connection and use of the uroflowmeter.
Monitor your symptom progression at home.
Certified (FDA & CE)
and clinically validated
medical device
Minze Homeflow can be used in the comfort of your home
Comfortable voiding position for men, women and children
Easy to use
Better comfort increases reliability and success rate of the uroflow measurement
Real world data
BPH, BOO, Nocturia, OAB, Stress incontinence,…
Hospitals, Practices,
MedTech, CRO
A simple tool to monitor your symptoms.
Uroflowmetry and bladder diary integrated in one test
Multiple flows mean better data
Set a baseline measurement and track your progression during treatment and beyond
Real-time and remote access data
The Minze Uroflowmeter connects to the Minze app via Bluetooth.
Choose to only register uroflow data or get a complete bladder diary with little to no effort
Collect additional information about your patient (drinks, leakage, urge, activities, QoL...)
Artificial Intelligence will assist you in entering the data and to complete a full diary for a better compliance
Register fluid intake, leakages and urge in the app
Tutorials and educational videos make it easy to install and use the wireless uroflowmeter or bladder diary.
Receive personalized recommendations based on your bladder diary outcomes.
Insights and color coded results based on collected data and normal values
Your will receive personalized education and lifestyle recommendations, based on the data collected with Homeflow