Did you know? (Minze Potty)

Did you know that over the past 70 years there has been an increase in the age to start and complete potty training? Simultaneously with this delay, there has been an increase in the incidence of pediatric Lower Urinary Tract (LUT) dysfunctions. Still little is known about the LUT development during potty training. In 2018 Minze Health developed the Minze (Uroflow) Potty. It is the world’s first potty to register uroflowmetry data of young children in the safety of their own home. It will further enable future research on the development of the pediatric LUT during potty training. If you wish to receive more information about research papers using our Minze Potty leave us a comment and we will forward it to you.

P.S. thank you Lieven Peeters for our first possible subject for an upcoming study.  Congratulations on the birth of your son!

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