Minze will be exhibiting at the American Urology Association (AUA23) Meeting (April 28th to May 1st.)

Exciting news! Minze Health is thrilled to announce our first participation in the upcoming American Urology Association (#AUA23) Meeting in Chicago from April 28th to May 1st.

We would like to welcome you to our booth (#1852). We will show you the Minze Diary, an award-winning automated bladder diary and cloud-based uroflowmeters that can be used on normal toilets at hospitals and practices (Hospiflow) and at the patients’ home (Homeflow).

Minze’s digital health solutions not only lead to quicker and better treatment of lower urinary tract complaints (#LUTS), but also to urology practice efficiency.

Please contact Jiri Vermeulen, Gilles Tas or Wilfried Woesthuis for an appointment. They will be present in Chicago for Minze Health.

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Minze's presence at the Congress of the European Society for Pediatric Urology ESPU in Lisbon(April 19-22).